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First Step Home

Founded in 1993, First Step Home is a treatment center located in Walnut Hills, a suburb of Cincinnati. Established as a women’s only facility, First Step Home is the only addiction treatment center in Cincinnati allowing children, up to the age of 12, to live with their mother’s while they are in treatment. First Step Home provides an entire continuum of care to women with addiction. Our staff work to assist women in rebuilding their families as they break the cycle of drug and alcohol addiction.

No Donation Too Small

Whether it's a pack of diapers, gently-used clothing, toys or books, pots and pans, bedding, or simply, your time. It will be greatly appreciated. Some of women and children come to us with little more than the clothes on their backs. Your generosity will give them an opportunity at a new life while remaining together as a family.


Partner with Our Mission

In order to continue our on-going efforts to help women find sobriety and return to the community as productive mothers and citizens, we need your support. We are always looking for businesses and individuals like you to help make this possible. Partnerships can look different for everyone.


Monthly Donation

Make a monthly donation to First Step Home & the Maternal Addiction Program. For as little as $20 a month, you can help provide a child with food, clothing, diapers, and medical attention.

You're not just sending money, you're giving a child hope, help, and healing.